Playhouse and kindergarten equipment along with playhouse equipment

A comprehensive guide to buying playhouse and game city equipment, as well as the best nursery equipment sales center in Tehran, along with shipping all over the country, with special sales conditions, along with free consultation.

In this article, you will find comprehensive and complete guidance for buying playground and kindergarten equipment. If you are also looking for suitable and quality equipment for your playhouse or your kindergarten and playground, this guide can help you a lot.

In this guide, you will get to know the different types of equipment that are used for playhouses and kindergartens. Including skeletons, tunnels, elevators, waterfalls, chairs, trampolines, ball launchers and many more. Each of these devices has specific features and benefits that are discussed in detail in this guide.

Playground and kindergarten equipment

In addition to the types of equipment, this guide also gives you tips on choosing the right equipment based on your needs. By reading this page, you can consider important points about the purchase of playground equipment, such as the age of the audience, available space, size limitations, and required budget.

By reading this guide, you can ensure that the equipment you buy is of the best quality and safety and will be suitable for children in the long term.

So, to buy playground and kindergarten equipment, be sure to read this guide and make your purchase with the necessary knowledge and complete information.

Please note that the educational videos of our experts will give you the necessary training for buying and setting up a playhouse and choosing equipment for a playhouse and kindergarten. Be sure to read all the contents to the end and watch the videos carefully.



Since the children's play space was limited and apartment living became popular, due to the limited space, playhouses have become popular and popular all over the world, and a lot of investment is made to build playhouses and provide play equipment. It provides a safe space for children, it develops children's communication and social skills and fosters creativity in children. The playhouse equipment has a variety of play equipment that keeps children busy for hours. The playhouse equipment develops children's motor skills. because children are very free to move and live in this environment.

Free phone consultation for playground equipment

Features of ideal playhouses

The characteristics of ideal playhouses are visual attractions such as appropriate appearance, sound, light and color that are attractive and attract children. All these things together stimulate children's emotions and attract them. Another factor that is important for an ideal playhouse should be the play environment in a way that encourages children to jump and be lively. The game should be derived from nature and happy colors. Balance games are also very fun items. It is for children and it is among the first choices for children. An ideal playhouse should consider all age groups and try to offer various games suitable for different age groups. Choosing the right place and Safe with high accessibility and convenient, it is one of the main items for setting up an ideal playhouse

 The superiority of buying playhouse equipment from Faraz Children's House



Installment sales of playground equipment 

In terms of health, technical and economic aspects, the installment purchase of playground equipment cannot be considered as a suitable option for starting a business. This is for the following reasons:

  1. Health opinion: Playhouse and amusement park equipment must be regularly maintained and need to be periodically updated and repaired. If customers purchase equipment through installment sales, they may be able to easily ignore maintenance and repair costs. This can lead to a decrease in the health and safety of the play environment and be dangerous for business.

  2. Technical opinion: The equipment of the playhouse and amusement park are exposed to wear and tear due to frequent and intense use. Using the equipment requires saving on maintenance and repair costs. If the equipment is sold in installments, customers may not be aware of these costs, and this issue can lead to increased breakdowns and technical defects of the equipment.

  3. Economic opinion: Installment sales of equipment may lead to increased financial responsibilities. Companies that sell equipment in installments and delay payments may face financial difficulties. Also, the possible costs for returning the equipment may be borne by the business if the customers are unable to pay the installments.

Due to these reasons, it is better to consider other methods such as cash sales, leasing or long-term agreements with customers to start your own playground equipment business. These methods can be the best solutions to maintain health, technical and economic of your business.


Playground and kindergarten equipment

Faraz playground equipment

At Faraz Children's House store, you can get all the necessary equipment for the playhouse. In the following, we will briefly explain the list of equipment used for playhouses:

  1. Safety equipment: This includes flooring and wall covering. Flooring and wall covering are among the main things that should be considered as the first priority in playhouses and kindergartens. Depending on your environment, you can choose the right type of flooring for outdoor or indoor environments. Also, the wall covering of the playhouse is available in different models and designs, depending on your space, we offer a special design.

  2. Children's tables and chairs: these items are available in different sizes and models of polyethylene and are suitable for the age group up to 6 years.

  3. Children's swing and slide: The child's swing and slide is a fun and exciting device for children. Playing with swings and slides strengthens muscles and develops motor skills in children. The material of this device is made of compressed plastic, which has high safety for children.

  4. Children's swing: The swing is a suitable tool for children to communicate with each other. This tool helps children to cooperate with each other. The swing is available in different types for single and double.

  5. Job City: Job City teaches verbal skills and communicates in the community. This city has a high diversity and includes such things as a children's cottage, a children's supermarket, a gas station, a bakery, a fruit shop, a tool table, etc.

By using these equipment and devices, you can create a well-equipped and attractive playhouse for children.

Free advice on playground equipment



Introducing all kinds of playhouse, kindergarten and amusement park products 

Swings and slides

Children's swings and slides: necessary equipment for kindergartens and playhouses

Children's swings and slides are one of the suggested accessories for playhouses and kindergartens. Due to its size and movement dimensions, this device is suitable for different age groups and playing with it gives children a good feeling and provides them with a sense of peace. Climbing the slide strengthens children's sense of independence and self-confidence.

Children's swings and slides are made of polyethylene materials, which are very resistant and durable and do not cause any harm to children. These swings and slides are usually designed for the age group under six years old, and larger sizes are usually suitable for parks and open spaces.

Polyethylene swings and slides are able to bear very high weight and are suitable for the age group up to 7 years. The basketball hoop attached to the slide enhances the spirit of adventure while playing with the slide and increases leg muscle strength.

The standard and gentle slope and standard steps in the polyethylene slides have made the children have a good experience playing with the slide. The protrusions of the slide stairs are such that they prevent children from slipping while climbing and ensure the safety of your children.

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Swings and slides

Children's table and chair

Wooden and plastic tables and chairs for children: high resistance and suitable design

Wooden table and chairs, with high resistance and high weight bearing, are suitable for use in several consecutive years. In the market, wooden tables and chairs are available with various designs and models. These tables and chairs are made of first-class wood and have high endurance and strength.

Also, plastic tables and chairs are made of first grade polyethylene and are available in different models, sizes and colors. These types of tables and chairs also have high resistance and durability.

When buying children's tables and chairs, some points should be kept in mind. First, they should be easy to clean and have a smooth and even surface. The design and colors of the table and chairs are diverse and can be adjusted to the age of the child. Also, the edges of tables and chairs should not be round and sharp and accessible to children. Reasonable price is also a consideration and they should also be made of quality and durability for long term use.

Buying a children's table and chair can be a useful suggestion for several reasons:

  1. Strengthening the sense of independence: Children's tables and chairs help children to strengthen the sense of independence. Having their own table and chairs, children can sit and play independently in their own space. This helps children's self-confidence and self-confidence.

  2. Enhancing the skill of sitting properly: Using tables and chairs encourages children to learn to sit properly. This is an important skill for maintaining balance and proper body support during long days.

  3. Getting to know tidying and cleaning manners: Buying and using children's tables and chairs introduces children to correct manners and behaviors regarding tidying and cleaning. They can learn these skills from childhood by cleaning their desks and chairs.

Due to these reasons, buying and using a children's table and chair as one of the playhouse equipment can be very useful and informative.

Children's table and chair

baby swing

Children's swing is one of the most attractive and widely used equipment in playhouses and kindergartens. This game is very attractive and popular for children and unlike other games, it allows them to discover and experience balance. Playing with a swing encourages children to learn and practice balance and motor control of their bodies. In addition to improving motor skills, this game also helps to develop children's sensory and brain powers.

Swings are produced in various models and sizes. One-person model and two-person swing model are among the available options. The body of these equipment is often made of compressed plastic and polyethylene, which makes them strong, light and durable. These features make swings suitable for use in outdoor and indoor environments and even in outdoor spaces such as parks and playgrounds.

Free phone consultation for playground equipment

Playing with a swing not only strengthens children's physical abilities, but also helps develop their social and cognitive abilities. By playing this game, children increase their concentration and attention and strengthen their communication, cooperation and problem solving skills. In addition, playing with a swing encourages children's imagination and creativity and provides them with the possibility of diverse and creative games.

Considering the many benefits of playing with a swing for children, it is recommended to use this equipment in playhouses, kindergartens, and homes. This game, in addition to entertaining children, helps them strengthen the skills of proper sitting and balance, and familiarizes them with the concept of responsibility and sorting. Also, playing with a swing allows children to manage their time, plan and control themselves, which is very valuable for their successful life in the future.



Trampoline, as a means of movement, is really useful and enjoyable and engages all the muscles of the body. This device is suitable for all age groups, from children to adults. The structure of the trampoline consists of a thick and strong plate with a number of springs and a stable metal frame.

Using a trampoline has many advantages. This device relaxes the nervous system and facilitates maintaining peace and relief. Also, it increases energy and vitality in children and raises their body's energy level. Trampoline strengthens the body's immune system and bones, and also improves coordination and balance. This device is considered one of the methods of strengthening muscles to maintain better balance and coordination of the body.

By using a trampoline and performing jumping movements, people's heart rate increases and blood vessels are strengthened. Also, this device helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Using a trampoline leads to an increase in physical strength and relief from depression, and is known as a happy and fun sport for children.


ball pool

Ball pool is one of the most popular and attractive toys for children. The material of the ball pool includes iron coils and foam and leather coating, which, in addition to being attractive, has high resistance. This ball pool comes in various colors and is easy to wash. Also, it is available in different sizes, so you can choose the right one for your needs.

To increase the attractiveness of the ball pool, you can also use a slide in the ball pool area. The slide increases fun and excitement for children. The size of the ball pool usually has one-in-one walls and a half-in-one entrance wall. These parts are connected to each other using belt fasteners and can be easily removed and reinstalled.

With the ball pool, children, in addition to having fun, can benefit from their concentration and coordination and have fun at the same time. Using the ball pool and jumping moves increases the heart rate and strengthens the blood vessels. Also, playing in the ball pool cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens physical strength and relieves depression. Ball pool is one of the fun and fun sports for children.

 ball pool

Tatami flooring

Tatami flooring is a product with very suitable features. This type of flooring is produced in various models and thicknesses. One of its outstanding features is its excellent shock absorption. The tatami surface is soft and ivory and its weight is so light that it can be easily folded and spread.

Tatami also has the feature of heat and sound insulation, and since it is waterproof, it can be washed. There are different thicknesses for tatami, from 20 mm to 50 mm. Standard tatami dimensions are one by one square meter and are supplied as a puzzle, meaning that the tatami pieces can be joined and placed together.

It is very suitable to use tatami flooring in environments such as kindergartens, sports clubs, children's rooms, playgrounds and playgrounds, places where pets are kept, etc. In environments where children are present, using tatami as flooring is ideal because it has good shock absorption properties and prevents pressure on body parts when falling.

Playground and kindergarten equipment

Kindergarten wall covering and play centers

Wall-covering impact foams are one of the products that can transform the children's play environment into a safe, beautiful and pleasant environment. If you are considering setting up a nursery or playhouse, wallcoverings are one of the essential products you should get. Wall covering shock foams with high thickness and density have a very high impact capability and turn hard walls into a soft and shock-absorbing surface. By using them, children can safely play in that space.

Wall covering foams are produced in cheerful colors and with various designs. In addition to beauty, wall coverings are very easy to clean and you won't have to worry about cleaning them. Of course, wall coverings are available in the market with different qualities. One of them is produced with a thickness of 7 mm and a high density, and its width is one and a half meters. Wall covering installation is done using glue or dowels. For installation, be sure to use the help of a professional installer so that your work is done beautifully and completely.

Free advice on playground equipment
Free advice on playground equipment

Artificial Grass

Artificial grass is produced in two types: sports and decorative. The dimensions of decorative artificial grass are usually 2 meters wide and its price is calculated based on the square meter. Sports artificial grass, especially football artificial grass, is designed using fibers that do not have an abrasive effect to prevent injury to players when they fall and slip. Substituting artificial grass for sports instead of natural grass leads to a reduction in the high costs of maintaining and watering the grass. The thread height in artificial sports grass is usually between 4 and 6 cm.

Decorative artificial grass is currently receiving a lot of attention and is used to beautify various environments such as villa gardens, balconies, terraces, roof gardens, garden halls, around swimming pools, restaurants and cafes. The height of each thread in decorative artificial grass is less than 4 cm. Artificial grass is very easy to maintain compared to natural grass which requires high maintenance costs. To clean artificial grass, you can use cold, clean water and, in certain cases, use mild detergents such as carpet shampoo.

The price of artificial grass depends on four factors: the quality of materials used, the amount of materials used, the technology of making artificial grass, and the life of the grass based on the quality of construction, which can be between 2 and 10 years. Artificial grass warranty is usually 2 years.

Artificial Grass

Children's soft play or play ground

Polyground or Soft Polyground is a secure, fully enclosed structure covered with soft foam. This structure is a smart choice for play centers and is a great value for families. With Playground, you can provide a fun and safe environment for children and families, which, unlike conventional playground equipment, does not require electricity and is very affordable to maintain.

With Playground, you can design a variety of playground equipment in an environment that includes ball pools, slides, trampolines, playgrounds, suspension bridges, moving hangers, ramps, playhouses, obstacle forests, and play corridors. Also, the playground is designed with your space and budget in mind, so you can make the customizations you want.

One of the unique features of Polyground is its portability and portability. By installing this structure, you can improve the space of your child's playhouse or kindergarten in a beautiful and attractive way, and there is no need to hire an operator to monitor the play equipment. Also, Polyground is designed based on safety standards and fully complies with the standard points in terms of safety.

Due to the use of polyground, you don't need to spend heavily on space construction and you can take advantage of its low maintenance cost. The low depreciation and long life of polyground makes this structure usable for several years and has a lot of value for your customers.

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Contact number 44239002, 021-88582664

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09101101373 and 09101101374 call now 

Purchase of standard playground equipment

Faraz Children's House, with more than twenty years of experience in the field of establishing play centers and providing advice to hundreds of businesses in the field of play houses, kindergartens and amusement parks, is one of the most experienced and reliable centers in this industry. It has received a large number of domestic and international standard certificates from reliable and standard centers in Iran and Europe. These certificates guarantee the global quality of products and services provided by Faraz Children's Home.

One of the important points in the delivery of Faraz Children's House products is the granting of certificates and standard notebooks. This action by Faraz Children's House aims to ensure that the delivered products are compatible with industrial and safety standards. By receiving these certificates and the standard booklet, you can benefit from the quality products of Faraz Children's House without worrying about problems in the process of obtaining official permits.

Faraz Children's House is always committed to complying with world standards and providing high quality products. Receiving certificates and standard notebooks shows the commitment and desire of Faraz Children's House to comply with industry principles and provide services to customers with international standards.



European standard playground equipment

Faraz Children's House has more than 20 years of experience in the field of design and production of playhouse equipment, playground structures and kindergartens, and has valid certificates. These certificates include the ISO 9002 CE European standard and international certificates and the national standard of Iran. Quality approval by Iran Standard Organization and international organizations is our honor and seal of honor.

As one of the leaders of the industry, Faraz Children's House is committed to designing and producing high quality products, focusing on international and national standards. Receiving ISO 9002 CE European certificates and other international certificates shows the commitment of Faraz Children's House to provide quality products and international standards. Also, receiving the Iranian national standard certificate indicates the compliance of Faraz Children's House products with the national standards of Iran and quality approval by the Iranian Standards Organization.

Faraz Children's Home, as a top example in its industry, is committed to using quality materials and meeting strict standards. With international and national certificates, customers can achieve more peace and confidence in using Faraz Baby House products.


The standard certificate of the playhouse

Playhouse equipment with European certification

Purchase of equipment for playhouses, kindergartens and playgrounds and free consultation

You can contact Faraz Children's House experts by phone or send a message via WhatsApp to receive free advice on the establishment of a playhouse and kindergarten. Our team consists of colleagues with patience to answer your questions regarding the establishment of a playhouse and equipping a playground and kindergarten.

With their experience and technical knowledge, the experts of Faraz Children's House are able to provide you with the necessary guidance regarding the establishment of a playhouse and kindergarten. They listen carefully to your questions and answer you patiently. The information you receive through a phone call or WhatsApp will be useful as an initial guide to start the process of establishing a playhouse or kindergarten.

Please call our phone number or send a message to our WhatsApp number so that our colleagues can guide you and answer your questions.

Faraz Children's House

At Faraz Children's House, we have more than 20 years of experience in the field of designing and producing all kinds of playhouse equipment , structures for playgrounds and kindergartens. We have ISO 9002 CE European certificates and international certificates and Iran's national standard, which means guaranteeing the quality of global products. Also, at the time of delivery of the product, a certificate and a standard booklet are also provided so that you don't have any problems during the process of obtaining official permits.

With our experience and knowledge in setting up playhouses and amusement parks, we are ready to provide you with a free consultation. You can contact our colleagues for advice and more information. The contact numbers are:

  • Phone: 44239002, 021-88582664
  • WhatsApp and mobile number of consultants: 09101101373 09101101374 | 09129101943

Our colleagues are patiently waiting for your call and will answer your questions about the establishment of playhouses and equipping playgrounds and kindergartens.

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